Thursday, March 2, 2017

Starbucks Digital Strategy

Starbucks has a large brand recognition, so marketing on social media is something that Starbucks does well.  32.65% of Starbucks traffic comes from search engines.  This fact shows that Starbucks has an extremely successful online marketing campaign and online customer engagement. 
Starbucks has 109,959 backlinks of which only 1% are toxic. So this demonstrates the varied engagement received from customers which also increases the SEO ranking.

( – Backlink Audit, 2017)

SEO:  When you type Starbucks into Google, there are 11,900,000 results.  If you type Starbucks coffee there are 631,000 results.  Customers will be able to find Starbucks website pretty easily because of the brand recognition.

(Simply Web – Search, 2017)

A.      Social Media Impact: 

1.       Facebook has 35,025,013 followers and 36,589,974 likes
2.       Twitter has 11.9 million followers
3.       YouTube has 129,431 subscribers
4.       Pinterest has 297,497 followers
5.       Instagram has 13.2 million followers
6.       Google + has 2.86 million members

(Simply Web – Social, 2017)

B.      Engagement Blog comments:

Mr. Belicove, a contributing editor for Entrepreneur discussed Starbucks and their efforts to increase customer engagement:

“At Starbucks, social media is not a separate and distinct entity. Various departments collaborate online and offline to develop and implement plans designed to fully engage the community.

One such effort was Starbucks' Love Project. Starbucks teamed up with several groups--including Playing for Change, Dave Matthews Band, John Legend and U2--to create the "All You Need Is Love CD."

With every $15 purchase at participating Starbucks locations, customers received a free CD and an invitation to participate in a mass sing-along by uploading their own video to, which thousands of people did. One dollar from the sale of every CD was donated to the Global Fund to Help Fight AIDS in Africa.

Starbucks customers could also create a Love Drawing online and Starbucks would contribute an additional five cents per drawing to the fund for the first 1 million drawings submitted.

Starbucks could have simply offered the CD for sale, but it gave the project more dimension via the website, mass sing-along, Love Drawings, and special Love Drawing cups for sale in the store.”  (Belicove, 2010)

(Simply Web – Traffic Overview, 2017)

Belicove, M. (2010, April). How Starbucks Builds Meaningful Customer Engagement via Social Media. In Retrieved March 1, 2017, from

(n.d.). In Retrieved March 1, 2017, from

(n.d.). In Retrieved March 1, 2017, from